Artykułowe love - All stories are the same

Artykułowe love

Dziś zapraszam na tekst o tym, jak wtórne są wątki w kulturze popularnej. Tutaj znajdziecie link do felietonu "All Stories Are the Same" z magazynu The Atlantic. Uwaga, tekst jest długi i jest w nim sporo ciekawych zwrotów ;-)
Źródló: Vlado at 
Poniższe pytania pomogą Wam sprawdzić rozumienie tekstu oraz będą dobrym punktem wyjścia do dyskusji o temacie.
  1. The text says: "Though they are superficially different, they all share the same framework and the same story engine." Are all stories the same in your opinion? Do you agree with the text? 
  2. The author gives numerous exaples to this plot: "A dangerous monster threatens a community. One man takes it on himself to kill the beast and restore happiness to the kingdom." Can you come up with some other instances? 
  3. Before reading this text have you been aware of the repetitiveness of plots? 
  4. Has any example surprised you? If so, which one and why? 
  5. Do you agree with this statement: "Storytelling is an indispensable human preoccupation, as important to us all—almost—as breathing." How important are stories in your life? 

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