Artykułowe love - Why 'Minimalism' Should Be Your 2016 Resolution

Artykułowe love

Dziś zapraszam na tekst o popularnym ostatnio minimalizmie. Czy jest przereklamowany? Tutaj znajdziecie link do felietonu "Why “Minimalism” Should Be Your 2016 Resolution" z portalu The Lala.
Źródło: aopsan at

Poniższe pytania pomogą Wam sprawdzić rozumienie tekstu oraz będą dobrym punktem wyjścia do dyskusji o temacie.

  1. Do you agree with the definition of minimalism given at the beginning of the article?: "The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. ~Hans Hofmann, Introduction to the Bootstrap, 1993"
  2. Do you live a minimalistic life? What do you think of it?
  3. The article gives a few examples of a simple life. What do you think abot them?
  4. Which of the listed minimalism steps do you think is the best or the easiest to apply? Why? 
  5. Would you be willing to try them all out?
  6. Is it easy to invest in quality today? 
  7. How do you explain decision fatigue?
  8. Do you also suffer from the "Latte Factor?"
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