Odpowiedzcie na poniższe pytania. Waszym dominującym typem jest ten, z którego macie 6 lub więcej odpowiedzi. Wynik testu jest oczywiście orientacyjny, ale ciekawa jestem, czy zgodzi się z Waszymi wyobrażeniami? Oryginalny test najdziecie tu.
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Question 1 - When do you use your English outside of class?
- Speaking with other non-native English speakers (i.e., not American, British, Australia, etc. but with people who have learned English as a second or foreign language).
- Speaking with native English speakers.
- When I travel on holiday.
- With colleagues on the telephone or by email.
- To live in an English speaking country.
- To use English to get a better job - Improve English for my current job.
- To speak English on holidays.
- To use English to stay informed by reading newspapers, magazines, Internet.
- It's important to speak English for my job.
- It's important to speak American English OR British English.
- The most important thing is communicating. It doesn't matter whether you make a few mistakes.
- I need to ask directions and order breakfast when I go on holiday.
- Understanding native English speakers.
- Writing excellent communication through email, or in letters.
- Exchanging ideas with other people in English (both native and non-native speakers).
- Asking for and understanding basic things in English.
- Quite often at work.
- Every day at work, shopping and speaking to people.
- Not very often, only when I travel or meet foreigners in my country.
- On a regular basis when reading, speaking to friends via the internet, watching TV in English, etc.
- Only to learn English. Otherwise, I visit sites in my language.
- I like looking at pages in English from all around the world.
- Doing research for my job.
- I like visiting American or British sites to learn the slang and lifestyle.
- Basic pronunciation is important, excellent pronunciation is impossible.
- Pronunciation should be clear, it doesn't matter if it is British or American, etc.
- Pronunciation is not so important, I need to understand and write English well.
- Pronunciation and the correct accent is very important for me. I want native speakers (Americans, British, Australian, Canadian, etc.) to understand me.
- English learning is stressful, but important for work.
- English learning is essential to improve my life where I live.
- English learning is fun and one of my hobbies.
- English learning is one of my favorite hobbies.
- Never
- Sometimes
- Often
- Rarely
- A few hours every day
- Once or twice a week
- A little bit every day
- At weekends
Career English Learner Resources - Type 1
As a Career English learner, you are interested in communicating in English for your job. You need to know the correct forms of English used on the job such as letters, vocabulary and more. Things like slang, advanced grammar formulations, etc. are not so important to you. Here are some recommend resources to begin getting the most out this site for your style of English learning.
Global English Learner Resources - Type 2
As a global English learner, you are interested in communicating in English. American or British culture and their inflections are not so important to you because you just want to communicate in English. You may communicate with people from a number of countries and things like idioms, phrasal verbs and slang are really not that important to you. Here are some recommend resources to begin getting the most out this site for your style of English learning.
Enviornment English Learner Resources - Type 3
As a Enviornment English learner, you are interested in learning English to live in an English speaking country or enviornment. You need to be able to pronounce well, know idioms, phrasal verbs and slang. Here are some recommend resources to help you learn the most important aspects of English for your style of English learning.
Fun English Learner Resources - Type 4
As a Fun English learner, you are interested in using English to get across the basics. You need tobe able to do basic tasks like ordering food in a restaurant, talking to other people etc.. Things like slang, advanced grammar formulations, etc. are not so important to you. Here are some recommend resources to help you learn the most important aspects of English for your style of English learning.
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